Re: [AD] Audio plugin function names

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On 2008-09-28, Evert Glebbeek <eglebbk@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I'm not saying that this greater level of control is bad (far from  
> it) and obviously people do want it. But surely there has to be a way  
> to make the simple case easier without compromising the more advanced  
> features? For instance, a function that could combine steps 2, 3 and  
> 4 and (more importantly) one that could combine 5 and 6?

Yup, that's the intention.  I was considering a 'sample manager' layer
which manages both ALLEGRO_SAMPLE_DATAs and ALLEGRO_SAMPLEs (recycling
them when the sample finishes playing).  Not quite sure how to do it
yet.  Maybe an event that fires when a sample finishes playing, then
we can use yet another background thread.  But that feels a bit


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