Re: [AD] fs-hook on OS X

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If OSX doesn't have an equivalent to /usr/share, then I'm not sure what to set it to, maybe if the app is in a bundle, it can be the bundle's data dir.. SYSTEM_DATA should be a global data path that all users share (iirc, XP and
vista will return the "All Users" shared data dir.

Right now it seems to be the executable dir, which is certainly wrong.
If the application is in a bundle, then the bundle data directory is almost certainly the correct place. Otherwise I think /Library may be what we want. I do have /usr/share, but that looks to be mostly used by the UNIXy stuff (as opposed to the OSXy stuff). I don't care, others might. Is it supposed to hold *data* or is it also supposed to hold *settings*? For an application in a bundle, the bundle data directory is the correct place for the data, but /Library would be the place to look for settings - I think.

I added that in my copy as well, also added a cmake var for sys/ types.h but didnt really do anything but wrap the include in an ifdef (where as if we use
the var, it should define off_t some place).

you commit, or shall I?

Looks like you did more extra stuff as well, I'll leave it to you.

ps: sorry if this is a dup, seems random mails aren't getting through...

Yes, seems to be happening to me too. Annoying. Hopefully it's a temporary burp in the system that will get sorted out in a few days.


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