Re: [AD] Audio plugin function names

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On 2008-09-27, Evert Glebbeek <eglebbk@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Sorry if anyone gets this twice, my previous copy doesn't seem to  
> have come through...
> Right now in the audio plugin, functions are named
> al_sample_play, al_sample_stop, al_voice_destroy,  
> al_sample_data_destroy etc.
> Shouldn't those be called al_play_sample, al_stop_sample,  
> al_destroy_voice, al_destroy_sample_data etc. to be consistent with  
> the rest of the API?

Yup.  Also need to get rid of, or hide away, most of the "audio
property" functions and replace them with specific functions for each
property.  It's very hard to tell which properties apply to which audio
objects and which are read-only.


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