Re: [AD] website after SF dropped interactive ssh access?

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On 23 Sep 2008, at 12:43, Elias Pschernig wrote:
2. We drop the current site and start over with a new one, or possibly
redirect to or

If we do, then yes, redirect. Don't drop.
I always hate it when a sourceforge project links to an empty webpage (on sourceforge).

Of course, option 2 means we lose translations (I wouldn't mind though,
they are basically not being maintained any longer anyway), and old
contents would need to be transferrred (most of it could need a cleanup
anyway - and we could also simply leave the old pages up).

I don't mind about translations, but I do mind about old content. And the layout, actually. I tend to be conservative with things like that.

And of
course, if we don't simply redirect to the wiki, it would need a
volunteer to build the new site..

In either case we should not "simply" redirect to the wiki. If we go that way (which may or may not be a good idea, I have no real opinion on that) someone has to essentially seed the wiki with the current content, or as much of it as we think is relevant. Here I'm assuming that "simply redirect" means we put up a message saying "sorry folks, new homepage is here at the wiki, but it's mostly empty at the moment, do add stuff". Most of the time stuff doesn't get added or the page lacks organisation and coherency. If someone can supervise that (Grzegorz...?) that would be cool. Otherwise I personally think it's a bad idea.

Which doesn't really solve our current problem. Just something to keep in mind. :)


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