[AD] website after SF dropped interactive ssh access?

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SourceForge permanently dropped interactive SSH access a few days ago,
which means our current website on alleg.sf.net aka www.liballeg.org
cannot be updated any longer with the current svn-to-web scripts. Now we
have two options:

1. Someone (grzegorz?) updates all the template and translation scripts
so instead of doing things on the webserver, it is done locally and then
all the resulting files are uploaded over rsync (or with sftp). Not sure
how much work it would be, likely not a lot.

2. We drop the current site and start over with a new one, or possibly
redirect to allegro.cc or wiki.allegro.cc.

Myself I find the
edit-html-template-and-insert-translation-markers-and-edit-translation-files-and-commit-to-svn way of updating the current website somewhat cumbersome, so this is a good excuse to try and get rid of it again :)

Of course, option 2 means we lose translations (I wouldn't mind though,
they are basically not being maintained any longer anyway), and old
contents would need to be transferrred (most of it could need a cleanup
anyway - and we could also simply leave the old pages up). Also the
layout would most likely be lost, depending on what we do. And of
course, if we don't simply redirect to the wiki, it would need a
volunteer to build the new site..

Elias Pschernig <elias@xxxxxxxxxx>

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