Re: [AD] CMake on Mac OS X

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On 2008-09-09, Evert Glebbeek <eglebbk@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On 9 Sep 2008, at 08:57, Peter Hull wrote:
> > I get this (this is the problem that's stumped me for ages, it seems
> > to be platform dependent but I don't know where that -multi_module
> > option comes from)
> Tell me about it. This has been haunting me for more than a year on  
> another (work related) project. It appears that MacOS X is a bit  
> quirky when it comes to building shared objects. It doesn't like  
> global ("common") variables and it doesn't like unresolved externals  
> when building the shared object.
> There are commandline switches that help, both during compilation and  
> linking, but it's been a while since I looked into it. I'll have  
> another go at it. I might have more luck getting it to work with  
> Allegro (which doesn't include FORTRAN code as well) than I did with  
> my other project (which does). Having a peek at what Allegro 4.2 does  
> differently might be illuminating, but I can't make heads or tails of  
> some of the CMake stuff.
> I'm guessing multi_module might be a default option.

I found this
and the following message.

As a hack, could someone try this:

Index: CMakeLists.txt
--- CMakeLists.txt	(revision 10775)
+++ CMakeLists.txt	(working copy)
@@ -548,6 +548,7 @@
             COMPILE_FLAGS "${more_extra_flags} ${LIBRARY_CFLAGS} -DALLEGRO_SRC"
+            LINK_FLAGS "-Wl,-single_module"
             OUTPUT_NAME ${nam}

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