Re: [AD] CMake on Mac OS X

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On 9 Sep 2008, at 09:33, Peter Wang wrote:
I found this
and the following message.

As a hack, could someone try this:

Didn't fixit for me, unfortunately, but I did some more reading and searching (and then searching based on new errors that came up) until I found a combination of flags that does seem to compile (I haven't had time to actually test things, and I wont until tonight):

Index: CMakeLists.txt
--- CMakeLists.txt      (revision 10775)
+++ CMakeLists.txt      (working copy)
@@ -548,6 +548,7 @@
COMPILE_FLAGS "${more_extra_flags} ${LIBRARY_CFLAGS} - DALLEGRO_SRC" + LINK_FLAGS "-single_module -flat_namespace -undefined suppress"
             OUTPUT_NAME ${nam}

You apparently don't need to pass "-Wl," (and it also doesn't work with "-undefined suppress" because that has a space in it). You need - undefined suppress (or -undefined warning) to get rid of a complaint about an unresolved __mangled_main_address, which generates a complaint about two level namespace something or other, which goes away when you pass -flat_namespace. Now, I have no idea what all of this means exactly. I'll try to figure that out. Apart from -single_module at the linker stage, I have the impression that you can also pass -fno-common to the compiler (actually, I should just test that), but I have no idea which is better.


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