Re: [AD] CMake on Mac OS X

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On 9 Sep 2008, at 08:57, Peter Hull wrote:
I get this (this is the problem that's stumped me for ages, it seems
to be platform dependent but I don't know where that -multi_module
option comes from)

Tell me about it. This has been haunting me for more than a year on another (work related) project. It appears that MacOS X is a bit quirky when it comes to building shared objects. It doesn't like global ("common") variables and it doesn't like unresolved externals when building the shared object. There are commandline switches that help, both during compilation and linking, but it's been a while since I looked into it. I'll have another go at it. I might have more luck getting it to work with Allegro (which doesn't include FORTRAN code as well) than I did with my other project (which does). Having a peek at what Allegro 4.2 does differently might be illuminating, but I can't make heads or tails of some of the CMake stuff.
I'm guessing multi_module might be a default option.

Not sure if this helps or not (probably not) but as I recall libtool (which seems to be used) on MacOS X behaves very differently from GNU libtool, which is called glibtool. Might be something to be aware of.


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