Re: [AD] Plans for Allegro 4.9.5

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On Sun, September 14, 2008 5:26 pm, Peter Wang said:
> Yeah, I hadn't really thought about it.  Intuitively it seemed like
> the
> right thing to do.  I guess the advantage is that you could use
> something like ImageMagick handle all formats, then you wouldn't
> need to
> link in iio at all.  You could make a case that other loaders have
> more
> comprehensive support of the formats the iio supports, or that the
> iio
> loaders aren't written that well (currently they are very trusting
> of
> the input file).
> Peter

It may be a good idea after all... I'll sleep on it :{P>

> PS. the icodec addon is broken as it doesn't handle padding bytes at
> the
> end of lines.  I couldn't figure out how to make the saving function
> skip padding bytes.

I couldn't get it to work at all (Windows).

Trent :{)>

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