Re: [AD] fs-hook on OS X

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On Thursday 25 September 2008, Thomas Fjellstrom wrote:
> On Wednesday 24 September 2008, Evert Glebbeek wrote:
> > Doesn't build, because the old filesystem functions that were called
> > from the OS X specific code haven't been replaced with their new
> > counterparts. I cann probably work out how to do that by looking at
> > the differences in the other platform specific code where similar
> > changes have been made, but it might be better for someone who knows
> > more about the file system (Thomas?) to make that change. That way I
> > can possibly focus on problems with OS X rather than first trying to
> > work out how the fs stuff works.
> I can probably grep through the OSX files to see whats up. As for how
> fshooks works, the toplevel api is nearly identical to PACKFILEs.
> > Aside from that, I had to add #include <sys/types.h> near the top of
> > fshook.h, otherwise off_t is not defined.
> sys/types.h is already included I thought. Guess it wasn't ::) glibc
> probably auto includes it for me some place, which is why I didn't catch
> it.

those two functions in system.m (find_resource, and executable_name) aren't 
used anymore so I'll remove them..

If you know of a way I can test OSX in a VM or something please let me know, 
trying to fix something like this over the internets is a pain...

> > Evert
> >
> --
> Thomas Fjellstrom
> tfjellstrom@xxxxxxxxxx

Thomas Fjellstrom

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