Re: [AD] Allegro Deployment Tool

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On Thursday 25 September 2008, Peter Hull wrote:
> I was wondering about a new 'deployment tool' for Allegro, to replace
> fixbundle and fixicon. On each of our platforms, the executable,
> resources and 'metadata' are packaged up in different ways.  I'm not
> entirely sure how it would work but I was thinking of a text file that
> lists the main exe, list of resources, icon, app title, copyright, ID,
> then a tool to process it. This would produce a bundle for OS X, a
> VERSIONINFO and icon for Windows, or a .desktop file for Linux.
> When I say 'ID', I mean a unique string that can name a directory. Say
> my program's ID was com.mysite.MyProg then I could put my settings in
> ~/Library/Application Support/com.mysite.MyProg on OS X,
> C:\Documents and Settings\peter\Application Data\com.mysite.MyProg on
> Windows .com.mysite.MyProg on Linux
> and my resources would be in the bundle for OS X, in the exe directory
> for Windows, and in /usr/local/share/com.mysite.MyProg for Linux.
> See what I mean? It will interact with the FS stuff in a way.
> What do you think?

.desktop files are for programs. Like the demo and examples. Not for 
libraries. I would however like a standard way to set a "application id", so 
the al_get_path function can return the paths with the application's name 

> Pete
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