Re: [AD] OSS4

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On Tue, 2008-08-26 at 17:22 -0600, Trent Gamblin wrote:
> But the header *is* GPL code, and #including it is the same as
> copying some code out of a .c file isn't it? I'm not sure, just
> checking.

I think it's as KittyCat says - we don't even know which soundcard.h a
use will have. So if our driver simply has include <oss.h> and we follow
the specifications only (which are completely free [1]) - there can be
no problem. The soundcard.h *must* be removed from our SVN again though.

[1] says:
"Q: I have developed an OSS compatible driver based on the OSS API
specification. Will users of my driver have to comply with your
licensing rules?

A: No. The OSS API specification is fully “open”. All implementations of
the OSS API can define their own licensing rules provided that the
implementation has not borrowed any code directly from our sources."

Elias Pschernig <elias@xxxxxxxxxx>

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