Re: [AD] OSS4

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On Tuesday 26 August 2008, Chris Robinson wrote:
> On Tuesday 26 August 2008 03:54:21 pm Evert Glebbeek wrote:
> > If they do though, can we include the OSS4 header on their system
> > without having to make Allegro GPL?
> There's no way we can know ahead of time if a header is GPL or not. My
> soundcard.h, for example, just says that redistribution in source/binary
> form requires retaining the copyright notice.
> It's the same argument I have with dynamic linking with libs, really. Such
> linking is done at run time, where we can't know if it's GPL or not..

Who cares about the library in this case, the HEADER itself is GPL.

Thomas Fjellstrom

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