Re: [AD] Question about versions

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On 23/08/2008, you wrote:
>> My plan is to release Allegro based on either 4.2 or 4.3 (probably  
>> 4.2) and
>> then as a side project I'll hack on the Amiga version of 4.9/5.0 so  
>> it's
>> ready whenever you guys finish the Linux/Mac/Windows versions.  The
>> questions above are to ensure that the version I release (4.2 or  
>> 4.3) is
>> the right choice.  I don't want to have to come back to it if possible
> Is there any particular reason you're not contributing your port for  
> inclusion in the main distribution?

Because it's not finished yet.  :-)

But as soon as it is, I'll put the source in Subversion (I believe I even
have an account that someone gave me a good year ago) for everyone's
enjoyment.  The binaries can also go on the official Allegro release page,
assuming you'll have 'em.  :-)

There is one question to be answered before anything goes into Subversion
though.  The Amiga isn't very well equipped to deal with configure scripts.
 We are quasi-POSIX compliant, which makes it easier to port stuff, and we
do have Unix shells, but ultimately for most porting projects it is easier
to roll our own makefiles.

So what is the policy regarding makefiles?  Does the Amiga's makefile have
to fit in with the Allegro build system or can I just submit a
makefile.amiga in the root directory?

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