Re: [AD] 4.3.10+ branch

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On Sun, 2008-07-27 at 20:19 -0600, Thomas Fjellstrom wrote:
> >
> Have you guys tried qemu with the kqemu or kvm modules? Otherwise use 
> VirtualBox instead, its MUCH faster.

I have kvm installed and set it to enabled, but seems to make no
difference (maybe because I'm emulating a 32-bit system but have a
64-bit kernel?) VirtualBox does just use qemu code I thought, and it was
a bit confusing to use when I last tried it, e.g. I couldn't figure out
how to access the virtual HD from linux with it.

I figured out how to use gdb btw - have to run qemu with the option to
use a virtual terminal as serial port, then run:

gdb <com1 >com1

And then you can control it from the virtual terminal. (Remote debugging
dosn't work because djgpp has no gdbserver - if just someone would have
told me that in advance :P)

Anyway, the traceback is just the one from the thread, the
bank switching crashes because the ->seg member of the BITMAP is 0 which
apparently is an invalid value to put into the DS register. And I have
no idea how to go on, especially with the long compile time (including
make depend it's actually more than an hour). I'm not even completely
sure all the relevant ASM code (VESA bank switching) has been translated
to C yet - someone remembers about that?

Elias Pschernig <elias@xxxxxxxxxx>

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