Re: [AD] Is al_set_mouse_range any useful?

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That may be the way it's supposed to work, but it doesn't for me, at
least on Windows in windowed mode. All that happens is the coordinates
reported by mouse_x/y are clipped to the range you specify.

Well, I think windowed mode may be a special case (remember, when the function was created originally, there was no such thing as windowed mode), since Allegro tries not to trap the mouse inside the program window (unless perhaps when you call get_mouse_mickeys()), and you'll need to convince me that it would be a good thing if it did - personally I consider programs that prevent my mouse from leaving the window to be badly broken. However, you cannot do the one (restrict mouse movement) without the other (trapping the mouse inside the window), but you can clip the values, which is why I think it behaves the way it does. Have you checked against fullscreen programs?


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