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On Monday 22 January 2007 17:05, Elias Pschernig wrote:
> Therefore, I propose to update the GFX API proposal with the following
> change:
> Any position parameters to drawing primitives or blitting functions
> should be converted to floating point.
> What do you think?
My initial response is "eeeew", but in practice I probably wouldn't mind
personally. ;) I tend to use floating point for in-game positions anyway.
That said, aren't we making things unnescessarily hard for platforms that
do not have hardware floating point (the GP2X being what I mainly have in
mind here)? It seems that making games for hand-held devices is becomming
more popular, and we may want to keep them in mind. Someone else may know
more about this issue.
Worst case scenario, we could always do things the OpenGL way: have
al_func_i and all_func_f (or all_func_d) functions that take integer and
float arguments respectively.