Re: [AD] float positions

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On Sun, 2007-01-28 at 17:20 +0100, Andrei Ellman wrote:
> This would probably work well for truecolour sprites, but I suspect that 
> if the developper is using low-colour sprites in order to give their 
> game that retro-look, the sprite would look a bit blurred unless both 
> it's coordinates were on an integer boundry.

Of course. This is only relevant with anti-aliasing/sub-sampling turned
on. In that case, it does make sense to use float positions.

Enabling anti aliasing but still using integer positions only indeed
would only make it blurred without much benefit for smoothness of

And, as was mentioned in the other thread, we also have the case of
rotation/scaling. If we allow those to use interpolation, then again,
visual quality could be improved by also allowing sub-pixel positions.

If they just work like the software rotation/scaling in Allegro 4.2
(i.e. look very ugly), then there is no need for float positions.

Elias Pschernig

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