[AD] float positions

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I was just going through Bob's GFX API proposal again, and noticed how
it uses integer positions throughout the API. Is this something we want?

Myself, I'm using fractional positions a lot and I wouldn't use the 4.3
graphics API at all if it only supports integer. But then, my main plans
of using the 4.3 API are to use OpenGL for graphics anyway - so that is
not a big problem. Still, if e.g. line() and blit() would have float
positions, then in the OpenGL drivers we will have on all platforms,
those could directly be passed on to the underlying OpenGL, and would
make such functions useful also for me. On the other hand, any drivers
not knowing how to use the extra fractional part (e.g. our memory
bitmaps implementation) could simply cut away the floating point part.
Therefore, I propose to update the GFX API proposal with the following

Any position parameters to drawing primitives or blitting functions
should be converted to floating point.

What do you think?

Elias Pschernig

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