Re: [AD] 4.2.1 is up, and a version number proposal

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On 2006-11-30, Andrei Ellman <ae-a-alleg@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Victor wrote:
> >> Ron Novy wrote:
> >>> Why not just add the release date to the end?  I
> >>> believe all version numbers would look better in UTC
> >>> format any way. And having a date in them is more
> >>> usefull when archiving.
> >>>, 4.2-06.11.26 or some variant ;)
> >> Looks much like an unstable SVN snapshot, rather then a stable
> >> release.
> >
>  > Could be, where the last number is the SVN version. So there
>  > should be no ambiguity between two different releases nor to SVN
>  > snapshots or whatever.
> What about using letters instead of numbers at the end (eg. 4.2.1a)?

To me, there's nothing to be gained from this.

> The 
> new version component could be used for platform specific issues as well 
> as minor issues. Also, would it be a good idea to have different version 
> letters for the different platforms if the update is only for one 
> platform?

I don't think we need that.  Users considering whether to upgrade should
read the announcement/release notes to see if the latest fixup release
affects them.  If we didn't stuff the original release too badly, we
shouldn't get past x.y.z.2 anyway.


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