Re: [AD] 4.2.1

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On 2006-11-23, Andrei Ellman <ae-a-alleg@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Peter Wang wrote:
> > I'm planning to pack up 4.2.1 on the weekend.  If there is anything I
> > should know please post a response here.
> Hi,
> I just checked the current version of file.c at 
> and notice that the patch I posted on 19-09-2006 (see 
> ) was not 
> applied (the patch was against the RC of 4.2.1 that was released 
> late-august). From examining the code, one of the two issues my patch 
> fixed was fixed by someone else, but line 1965 needs to be changed from
>           } while ( (size > new_size) && (new_size > 0) );
> to
>           } while ( (size < new_size) && (new_size > 0) );
> Currently, file.c is identical in both the 4.2 and 4.3 branches, so the 
> same change needs to be made to both branches.

Thanks, fixed now.

> Also, I notice that the patches I submitted on 25-01-2006 ( 
> ) for 
> color.c and graphics.c were not included in either 4.2 or 4.3. Was it 
> decided not to include them, or has someone just forgotten to apply them?

I seem to have a vague recollection that Elias looked into the color.c
patch?  I'm not considering the patches for 4.2.1.

> Evert Glebbeek wrote:
> > I think the last RC was pretty much stable
> *cough* file.c *cough*
> Although if my suggestion is applied, then I think everything to do with 
> file.c would have been sorted out.

Please give it a test if you can.  I won't be making any prereleases
this time around (but I promise a quick followup if a problem shows up).

> PS. in thanks._tx in both the 4.2 and 4.3 branches, could you please 
> change the bit before the at-sign in my e-mail address to ae-a-alleg2 
> (that is, just add a 2 to the end of the username)?



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