Re: [AD] multiple windows

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Robert Ohannessian wrote:
That's why in my API proposal, you can only create AL_BITMAP based an
AL_DISPLAY (or another AL_BITMAP's AL_DISPLAY origin). That way, there's
no question as to who owns the bitmap. Cross-display blitting can also
trivially be disallowed this way.

GL contexts, for example, are not necessarily sharable (they often are
though). So if you create a texture in one of them, you can't
necessarily use it on another.

We could also have a function that creates a bitmap compatible with several AL_DISPLAYs. It would take an array of displays:
al_create_bitmap(AL_DISPLAY*, n, w, h, ...
n .... AL_DISPLAY count

It would handle the case where GL contexts can share textures. And in the worst scenario it would create a plain memory bitmap.

Milan Mimica

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