Re: [AD] Recent 4.3 change?

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On Wednesday 02 August 2006 04:13, Peter Hull wrote:
> I apologise for my last email being grumpier that I intended. It was
> the assumption that I am so clueless that I would check code into
> completely the wrong repository that did it.

I didn't mean to imply you checked it into the wrong repository, I was just 
asking if it went into 4.2 or 4.3 (the update message didn't say, and there's 
no external access to the commits list (why?)).

But, it's cool. I apologize too for being to quick to jump to the defenseive. 
I just.. really do think it was a bad idea performance-wise to 
implement "video" bitmaps the way it was done on X11. But I wasn't around 
when the driver was made, so..

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