Re: [AD] Recent 4.3 change?

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Hope you slept well.

On 8/1/06, Chris Robinson <chris.kcat@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I recently woke up, so I don't know how old this is, but one of the bots
alerted to a commit:

<juvbotz> Allegro updated, r7433 [peterhull90]
<juvbotz> Simulation of video bitmaps, so that page flipping will work

Assuming this change was for 4.3, I really think this should be reverted and
properly discuessed.
It was not for 4.3, as you 'assume', it was for 4.2. On OSX, page
flipping is simulated in fullscreen mode, and always has been, but not
in windowed mode. Now it is available equally in both.



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