Re: [AD] moving mailing list to google groups?

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On Wed, 2006-08-02 at 13:08 +0000, Kalle Last wrote:
> I wonder if it would be possible to make some kind of automagic system
> that would synchronize the two lists. I mean when a message is posted
> in one list it would be forwarded to the other one. Not perfect but
> good enough, I think.

I wonder as well. Google allows to wrap around another mailing list, but
it seems that would not help much, since the SF list is the problem.

> I wonder how many people there are in  AD list who don't have gmail
> account and are not willing to move. I would understand that might
> become a problem with AL list but I personally can't see major
> showstoppers about AD.

The AL list has very few active members left, so it's probably not so
important, especially as not even all devs are subscribed. Might be best
to merge it with the dev list.

Elias Pschernig

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