Re: [AD] moving mailing list to google groups?

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On Wednesday 02 August 2006 06:11, Evert Glebbeek wrote:
> Apart from having everything together being an
> advantage,

Don't forget we did move the repository to BAFServ for a while when people got 
fed up with SF's CVS problems and the delays in getting SVN up (which I think 
that went relatively smoothly). And it seems to me that the mailing lists has 
more problems than CVS/SVN.

> some amount of long-term consistency is a good thing as well.

Other projects have moved mailing lists before without many problems. Just 
need to make sure to update links on the website, and keep an archive of the 
SF mailing list somewhere.

I'm personally not too sure if we should move yet. The idea is nice and I'd be 
up for trying and all, but we'd need to make sure Google Groups is stable and 
won't show its own problems somewhere. I can't really think of a way to test 
that without actually moving, though. I suppose we could look for other 
groups that have been on GG for a while and have had a fair amount of 
activity, and see what they say.

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