Re: [AD] msvc, static runtime versions (revisited)

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Thomas Fjellstrom wrote:
On Thursday 15 June 2006 4:50 pm, Matthew Leverton wrote:
Actually, I don't understand. What's the difference between static
release and static runtime/release?
Static runtime means the C runtime is built-in. This is independent on
whether or not Allegro is compiled statically. Allegro has always
supported static C runtime builds with MSVC, but there hasn't ever
been much of a reason to use them until version 8 came out.

So you have alleg_s.lib vs alleg_s_static_c_runtime.lib and so on.
There is no need for a version, as the .libs have never been versioned
anyway. (Although, perhaps they should be.)

Matthew Leverton

All I can think to add is sc or scr:
static: alleg_s.lib
Static runtime: alleg_scr.lib
static + static runtime: all_sscr.lib
static profile + static runtime: allpsscr.lib

i'd drop the 'c' in all the above to safe a letter, giving more room for the version number

course with 8.3 this leaves no room for version numbers. unless you lop off the last r, and go with all_ssc.lib, and allpssc.lib

its MSVC8, i dont think 8.3 should even be considered, anyone using msvc8 is not likely to be using DOS only tools.

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