Re: [AD] msvc, static runtime versions (revisited)

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Ignore me.

Actually, I don't understand. What's the difference between static
release and static runtime/release?


On 6/15/06, Peter Hull <peterhull90@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Does it need to include the version number too?

How about (alleg | all_d | all_p)NN( | s).lib where NN is the version
and s is appended if it's static.


On 6/15/06, Matthew Leverton <meffer@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Back in January, there was a brief discussion on how to name static
> runtime versions of MSVC, considering they share the same name, but
> are not compatible with the plain static or release versions.
> There are twelve versions of Allegro for MSVC:
> * Release
> * Debug
> * Profiling
> * Static Release
> * Static Debug
> * Static Profiling
> * Static Runtime / Release
> * Static Runtime / Debug
> * Static Runtime / Profiling
> * Static Runtime / Static Release
> * Static Runtime / Static Debug
> * Static Runtime / Static Profiling
> Right now, the first six and last six share the same names, but they
> are not compatible.
> So we need to come up with a new prefix/suffix for the static runtime
> builds. And yes, it will look ugly, especially if we stick with 8.3
> names. But in typical usage, of the six static runtimes, only the
> "Static Runtime / Static Release" build would be used.
> The main reason to make the distiction is so tutorials and binaries
> can be made for VC8 (and the free Express version) to assist in simple
> deployment. As it is now, releasing programs made with VC8 is a huge
> pain, unless you statically link everything.
> While I realize that statically linking the runtime has its own set of
> problems (namely most pre-built add-ons become incompatible), the main
> reason for this is to assist newbies in using and releasing vanilla
> Allegro programs.
> --
> Matthew Leverton
> --

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