Re: [AD] Volunteer to help make release

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Evert Glebbeek wrote:
On Friday 05 May 2006 13:45, Peter Wang wrote:

there's key_shifts issues on Windows that I don't think are resolved (but not new either),

Just out of interest, is there an INI file setting I can use to change to an alternative keyboard driver under Windows. I thin I may have heard something about such a driver once.

Elias Pschernig wrote:
> But then, 4.2.1 should be the final 4.2.x release

I think that if any bugs are fixed in 4.3.x that exist in 4.2.x, then they should be backported. A release should occur if either a serious-enough bug is found, or if the number of fixes exceeds a certain level. I remember that there was an awfully long time between 4.0.3 and 4.2 (nearly 2 years). Building and using Allegro with Cygwin had been fixed not long after 4.0.3 but it took ages before the next official release that contained the fix (4.2.0). However, if we constantly update docs/changes._tx, we can see at a glance what has been fixed, and if it is worth releasing a new version of the 4.2.x branch.


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