Re: [AD] Problem with key_shifts on Windows.

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Andrei Ellman wrote:

BTW: Some info on my Windows 2000 setup I didn't include in my last mail...

Windows 2000: DirectX 9.0c (4.90.0000.0904)
Windows 2000: Allegro was built using the SDK for Direct X 8

Also, in both Windows98 and Windows2000, I created an EXE that uses the Allegro DLL (ie. not staticlinked).

Here's something else I forgot to mention. The keyboard (Standard 101/102-Key or Microsoft Natrual PS/2 Keyboard) is located "on PCI standard ISA bridge"

Anyway, I got the chance to try out my test-app (but not exkeys) on a few other machines. The result was that all of them showed the problem with the stuck SHIFT/CTRL/ALT keys (so it's not just my machine). Did not try out any of the other anomalies that I dscovered.

Here are some details of the other machines tried my test-program on. On All of them, I ran the DLL-build of my test-app. Both the test-app and alleg42.dll were built with MinGW (cygwin). I used Allegro 4.2.0 and ran the windowed version of my test-app.

Machine #2
AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Processor 3000+ @ 1.79GHz
Windows 2000
DX 9.0c
Keyboard: HID Keyboard device. Location: On USB Human Iterface Device
Input language: English (United Kingdom). Keyboard layout / IME: US

Machine #3
Windows 2000
DX 9.0b
Standard 101/102 key or Microsoft Natral PS/2 Keyboard. Location: on Extended IO Bus
Input language: English (United Kingdom). Keyboard layout / IME: US

Machine #4 (Laptop)
120MhZ Pentium
Windows 95 4.00.950B
Standard 101/102 key or Microsoft Natral PS/2 Keyboard. Location: on Extended IO Bus
English (United States)  United States 101

As well as testing them on the machines above, I also swapped the alleg42.dll with various pre-built ones I downloaded off then files section. This also produced the same result (although I did not get to try the MSVC8 DLL as it told me I was missing MSVCRT8.DLL (or some such file) ).

Does anyone have a build of the DLL using the latest SVN version I could use to test my app with to see if the problem still exists? Some of the change-logs were posted recently, but all entries seem to pre-date 4.2.0's final release.

Anyway, I'll try and get round to trying the changes that Elias suggested.

Still haven't got round to trying this out :-(


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