Re: [AD] X11 hickups

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On Saturday 29 April 2006 01:18, Elias Pschernig wrote:
> I get this as well, but I attributed it to the non-focus-steeling
> changes in Gnome (gnome-terminal and firefox behave the same) - but I'll
> try with Allegro 4.2.0.

Well, I use KDE, so it's certainly not a Gnome problem (or at least not 
Gnome specific).

> I can not reproduce this here. I started the test program, selected
> 640x480x32 XWIN, graphics->blitting functions->blit(). Now when I hit a
> mouse button, the program freezes as long as I keep it pressed, then
> jumps to the next blit test.
> The behavior of the click should probably be changed to not freeze while
> being held down..

Probably, yes. ;)

> but it seems you experience something else? 

I think so. I certainly see what you see (screen freezes while button is 
held down), but even if I release the button the screen remains frozen for 
a while now and then, but this is not very predictable. I suppose it's 
possible it's the same problem and my mouse needs cleaning.


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