Re: [AD] What todo?

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On 2006-03-03, Pär Arvidsson <arvidsson@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> >We are mainly in need of Windows and Mac OS X coders to work on those
> >ports of the 4.3 branch.  The first thing you could do is get a copy of
> >the 4.3 sources, build it for your platform and try it out.  If it's
> >fine you might consider working on the new graphics API or mouse APIs.
> My platform of choice is Windows XP.
> I followed your advice and downloaded the latest repositories. I'm using 
> Mingw (gcc 3.4.2) and followed the usual instructions trying to build 
> the 4.3 branch. I ran into some problems and ended up downloading a 
> fresh copy of the latest version of Mingw. After installing the 
> files and running fix.bat mingw32, I got an error 
> complaining about a missing asmcapa.h file after running mingw32-make. I 
> tried the advice in a previous post, and ran mingw32-make depend and 
> then mingw32-make again. This time it all seemed to work out well, until 
> dlltool complained about "Can't open def file: lib/mingw32/allegro.def" 
> and thus mingw32-make exited with: "*** [lib/mingw32/alleg43.dll] Error 
> 1". Although dlltool seems to fail, the alleg43.dll was built.

You need to run one of misc/fixdll.bat or misc/ to generate the
.def files.

> I tested compiling the debug build with the same result. Dlltool fails, 
> and the alld43.dll gets built anyway. But there's no sight of any lib*.a 
> files.
> The statically linked versions gets built ok except for the error 
> mingw32-make spits out: "No rule to make target 'demo/demot.dat', needed 
> by 'obj/mingw32/demo.res'. But I suspect that's the demo isn't finished 
> yet and therefore this error is of no importance concerning the build 
> success of the libraries?

The demo.dat file is not in the SVN repository but you can get a copy
off the website, or from any stable release of Allegro.


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