Re: [AD] What todo?

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On 2006-03-02, Pär Arvidsson <arvidsson@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi everyone!
> I have decided to join you in developing allegro and will try to help as 
> best as my abilities let me.


> Short intro: I have been using Allegro on and off since about 1999. 
> Although I haven't browsed thoroughly through the inner workings of the 
> library, I do have learned a few things about it down the road. 
> Programming has been a hobby of mine for some years now (~7) and I'm 
> fluent in C/C++. I'm not very knowledgeable in specialized areas like OS 
> programming so I will primarily focus on the grunt work :)

Don't worry.  Allegro is not written at a very low level nowadays.

> The point: Are there any tasks that needs to be done?

We are mainly in need of Windows and Mac OS X coders to work on those
ports of the 4.3 branch.  The first thing you could do is get a copy of
the 4.3 sources, build it for your platform and try it out.  If it's
fine you might consider working on the new graphics API or mouse APIs.

The 4.2 branch does not require so much work, but there are some bugs in
the todo.txt list which would be nice to eliminate (mainly
Windows-specific).  I would ignore everything other than the "4.2.1
todos" section, but even some that is out of date :-)


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