Re: [AD] Breakpointing an app in the MSVC 6 debugger can get a key to be stuck in Windows 2000

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Andrei Ellman wrote:
aj wrote:

i'd hate to say it, but its the plain truth, and i may have said this before; but again.. it needs to be repeated..

* msvc6's debugger is not 100% stable... you really should upgrade to 7 or 8. * your not likely to get much help on this problem, its not worth the time required to investigate it, msvc6 is old, and considered broken enough to warrant the neglect it deserves from the programmer community.

As I mentioned in my reply to the AD list, I do not know if this problem is specific to MSVC6 or if it occurs in newer versions as well. If it still occurs in the most recent version, the issue does not deserve as much neglect.

the issue being a key gets 'stuck' whilst using a debugger ?
it is not uncommon for multi-threaded apps to become 'unstable' when using a debugger, i don't think you can expect to fix this 'bug'. it sounds like something caused by the debugger, not allegro; and i dont think its allegro's problem to have to be written in such a way as to not play havoc with M$'s debugger.

One thing that's putting me off upgrading is that I heard that MSVC7's IDE had become considerably more bloated and slower than it's predecessor.

it also does more; does more successfully, and is written more like an IDE should be (althou it is only M$ so dont expect it to do much more than be a glorified text editor) i think its still within what i call exceptable bloat considering what it does.

I somehow doubt that MSVC 8's IDE is much faster than 6's.

my current experience with 8 is again like the 6-7 step... 8 does more, does more successfully; and is more written like an IDE should be, however; it does use alot more resource, and given your machines resources; i think you will find v8 unacceptablly bloat.

As my machine is only a 600MHz Athlon, increasing the bloat is not likely to do it much good. Also, I'm using the Enterprise edition of MSVC 6, so if I upgrade to the free MSVC 8, I may lose some features, like profiling and SourceControl (which I use to keep track of changes to my code). Also, I have several plugins, such as Boundschecker and Visual Assist that I would probably have to upgrade as well if I wanted to upgrade to MSVC 8.

yes, i could not live with VisAssist; i have it (in various verisons) on my msvc7 and msvc8 systems; and i can HIGHLY recommend the latest as being most bestest they have done. i have heard you can use the v6 IDE, with the free v8 compiler (unsure about the debugger, it may need v7/8's IDE features).

However, I have heard that MSVC 6 has some issues compiling C++ code,

"some" issues...  lets start at C++ 101...  a for loop's scope...

and I am eventually considering migrating over to a fully GCC-based solution using a free IDE such as SCITE, and replacing SourceControl with CVS or SVN.

good idea... i prefer to use both; i get double the warnings; double the compiler helping me resolve issues.
try to use both if you can.

For now, MSVC 6 SP5 is a capable C89 compiler and I'm used to it's debugger. I currently use GCC to create release-builds of my software.

i feel your dilemma, i know its a pain to upgrade; i've been evaluating the move to v8 for about 3 months; and are still doing so... everyday.

i dont know your economic status; but if your even semi serious about writing code.. then getting a worthy CPU (even AMD2400's are about $50) is worth the investment; msvc7's bloat is non-existant with something like that CPU.


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