Re: [AD] Breakpointing an app in the MSVC 6 debugger can get a key to be stuck in Windows 2000

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i dont know.

lets say it does happen in msvc7 or 8; the problem of using msvc6 still exists. and would need to be fixed; that person fixing would need to use msvc7 or 8, as v6 is unreliable.. so therefore needs to get v7 or 8 again.

lets say it does NOT happen in v7,8; then the problem is msvc6's debugger, and needs to be upgraded to v7,8

either way...  msvc6 is not helping this situation.

msvc7 is a free download from M$, or for a small fee; i think you can order a CDROM from M$.

aj wrote:
I strongly suggest you upgrade from msvc6 it is considered quite broken and old.
I also suggest you try using WindowsXP instead of Windows 2000,
and the latest version of DirectX 9.0c i think that is at the moment.

Can this problem be reproduced on newer versions of MSVC? I only have access to MSVC 6, so I do not know if this is specific to version 6 or not.


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