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On Saturday 07 January 2006 23:19, Kalle Last wrote:
> I don't think C# bindings have to be officially supported straight from
> beginning. That would mean the development of next Allegro version would
> take considerably more time. What could be done is that someone develops
> standalone wrapper and when it can be considered stable it could be
> incorporated to e.g official addon, something similar to GUI and some
> things might become in the 4.4/4.6 version or as AllegroGL is at the
Sounds reasonable.
> In short, I don't think many of the current devs are willing to code on
> C# wrapper.
I think that's probably a fair assesment. I'm certainly not going to spend
time on it (my interest in C#, or C++++ as I'm told Microsoft secretly
meant to call it, being zero).
> If anyone likes to have C# bindings (s)he must do them itself.
Actually, that pretty much goes for any feature in an open source project:
if you want something, well, someone has to write it. You might as well do
it yourself and help out (while making sure that the thing is actually how
you wanted it to be)! :)