Re: [AD] Allegro and C#

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I think, development with Allegro and C# can become really useful and
popular only officially supported by Allegro and DotGNU (the .NET
effort by the FSF). As I image - Allegro and C# should be used for
development of cross-platform games for handhelds. It why it doesn't
matter that DotGNU doesn't have support of many MS.NET specific
features as Microsoft only has to do a .NET environment for one
processor and one Operation System (Windows). Here are a couple of
screenies of the Portable .NET working on a iPaq 3950:

What I would love is that Allegro and C# become an official part of
the DotGNU project. But I image this can be only officially supported
by Allegro.


2006/1/6, Kalle Last <kalle.last@xxxxxxxxxx>:
> 2006/1/6, Elias Pschernig <elias@xxxxxxxxxx>:
> > On Fri, 2006-01-06 at 03:35 +0300, Kirill Kononenko wrote:
> > > Hello All,
> > >
> > > I would like to know if there is any interest in development with
> > > Allegro and C# ? Like we have Gtk for C and we have Gtk# for Gtk.
> > > Would be it be interesting to have Allegro# ?
> > >
> >
> > I think it already exists, at least I seem to remember reading something
> > like that on
> Yes indeed, it does exist. Only problem with it is that it  is really basic
> and in my oppinion has lots of problems. One thing is that in its current
> form it is windows only. Second thing I noticed was that it redefined
> probably every internal constant there was in Allegro. There were bunch of
> other things I didn't think there should be but I won't list them here.
> On the topic I see no problem with having C# bindings for Allegro. Only
> thing is that it probably won't be officially supported.
> --
> Kalle Last

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