Re: [AD] Indexed datafiles

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On Sat, 2005-12-31 at 12:53 +1100, Peter Wang wrote:
> > So you want to keep MSVC 6 and gcc 2.95 compatibility? I think that's
> > just making life painful for ourselves, and we should use C99 where it
> > makes sense, in 4.3.
> There better be a good reason for breaking compatibility.  Declaring
> local variables anywhere is not a good enough reason -- in most cases a
> pair of braces will allow a similar thing while retaining compatibility.
> (And is clearer, too, IMHO.)

Yes, but there also better be a good reason to waste time on MSVC 6 and
gcc 2.95 support in 4.3. People using such old compilers probably won't
try out WIP versions, and by the time 4.4 comes out, even they will not
use them anymore.

Personally, I find e.g. declaring variables where they are needed is
better style. But there are more important things.. stdint support comes
to mind, and I'm sure there are more. And we could probably cut down on
all the quirks put in the code over the time to work around
mis-behaviors of old compilers.. in my opinion it really will be enough
to support gcc 3.x and MSVC 7, for 4.3.

Elias Pschernig

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