Re: [AD] Indexed datafiles |
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On Thu, 2005-12-22 at 16:01 +0100, Elias Pschernig wrote:
> On Thu, 2005-12-22 at 13:20 +0100, Hrvoje Ban wrote:
> > 4.2 is out, so I'm posting my load_datafile_object_indexed patch
> > again.
> Thanks. I'll apply it (to 4.3) if nobody objects.
Ok, done. Attached is a patch to update examples and docs accordingly.
Elias Pschernig
Index: examples/exdata.c
--- examples/exdata.c (revision 5577)
+++ examples/exdata.c (working copy)
@@ -48,12 +48,6 @@
return 1;
- /* select the palette which was loaded from the datafile */
- set_palette(datafile[THE_PALETTE].dat);
- /* aha, set a palette and let Allegro convert colors when blitting */
- set_color_conversion(COLORCONV_TOTAL);
/* display the bitmap from the datafile */
textout_ex(screen, font, "This is the bitmap:", 32, 16,
makecol(255, 255, 255), -1);
@@ -68,6 +62,23 @@
/* unload the datafile when we are finished with it */
+ /* Demonstrate how to speed up loading a single object with an index */
+ DATAFILE_INDEX *index = create_datafile_index("example.dat");
+ DATAFILE *palette_object = load_datafile_object_indexed(index, THE_PALETTE);
+ DATAFILE *font_object = load_datafile_object_indexed(index, BIG_FONT);
+ /* select the palette which was loaded from the datafile */
+ set_palette(palette_object->dat);
+ textout_ex(screen, font_object->dat, " with the right palette!",
+ 16, 160, makecol(0, 255, 0), -1);
+ readkey();
+ /* Clean up */
+ unload_datafile_object(palette_object);
+ destroy_datafile_index(index);
return 0;
Index: docs/src/allegro._tx
--- docs/src/allegro._tx (revision 5577)
+++ docs/src/allegro._tx (working copy)
@@ -10859,6 +10859,7 @@
@@void @unload_datafile_object(DATAFILE *dat);
@xref load_datafile_object
+@eref exdata
@shortdesc Frees an object previously loaded by load_datafile_object().
Frees an object previously loaded by load_datafile_object(). Use this to
avoid memory leaks in your program.
@@ -10882,6 +10883,43 @@
Returns a pointer to a single DATAFILE element whose `dat' member points to
the object, or NULL if the object could not be found.
+@\DATAFILE_INDEX *@create_datafile_index(const char *filename);
+@xref destroy_datafile_index, load_datafile_object_indexed
+@xref Using datafiles
+@eref exdata
+@shortdesc Creates an index for a datafile.
+ Creates an index for a datafile, to speed up loading single objects out of
+ it. This is mostly useful for big datafiles, which you don't want to load as
+ a whole. The index will store the offset of all objects inside the dataile,
+ and then you can load it quickly with "load_datafile_object_indexed" later.
+ Use destroy_datafile_index to free the memory used by it again.
+ Example:
+ DATAFILE_INDEX *index = create_datafile_index("huge.dat");
+ DATAFILE *object = load_datafile_object_indexed(index, 1234);
+ ...
+ unload_datafile_object(object);
+ destroy_datafile_index(index);<endblock>
+ A pointer value which you can pass to load_datafile_object_indexed.
+@@DATAFILE *@load_datafile_object_indexed(const DATAFILE_INDEX *index, int item)
+@xref create_datafile_index, load_datafile_object, unload_datafile_object
+@eref exdata
+@shortdesc Loads a single object from a datafile index.
+ This loads a single object, using the index created previously with
+ create_datafile_index. See create_datafile_index for an example.
+ Returns a pointer to a single DATAFILE element whose "dat" member points to
+ the object, or NULL if the object could not be loaded.
+@@void @destroy_datafile_index(DATAFILE_INDEX *index)
+@xref create_datafile_index
+@eref exdata
+@shortdesc Destroys a datafile index.
+ This function frees the memory used by a datafile index created with
+ create_datafile_index earlier.
@@const char *@get_datafile_property(const DATAFILE *dat, int type);
@xref Using datafiles, DAT_ID, empty_string
@shortdesc Returns the property string for the object.
@@ -15138,9 +15176,11 @@
@@Example @exdata
@xref DATAFILE, END_OF_MAIN, allegro_error, allegro_init, allegro_message
-@domain.hid blit, font, install_keyboard, load_datafile, makecol, readkey
-@domain.hid replace_filename, screen, set_color_conversion, set_gfx_mode
-@domain.hid set_palette, textout_ex, unload_datafile
+@xref blit, create_datafile_index, destroy_datafile_index, font
+@xref install_keyboard, load_datafile, load_datafile_object_indexed
+@xref makecol, readkey, replace_filename, screen, set_color_conversion
+@xref set_gfx_mode, set_palette, textout_ex, unload_datafile
+@xref unload_datafile_object
@shortdesc Accessing the contents of datafiles.
This program demonstrates how to access the contents of an
Allegro datafile (created by the grabber utility). The example