Re: [AD] About 4.3

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On 2005-12-02, Thomas Fjellstrom <tfjellstrom@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> is this the correct incantation to get the new_api_branch: cvs -z3 
> -d:ext:strangemoose@xxxxxxxxxx co -r new_api_branch allegro ?


> If it is, how is that enough for a release? It looks the same as the main 
> branch... I had thought the 4.3 release was going to start with the new al_ 
> prefixing and whatnot?

1. events system, see events.h
2. new keyboard API, see keyboard.h
3. new joystick API, see joystick.h
4. new timer API, see timer.h, altime.h
5. display API (incomplete), see display.h

Wholesale al_ prefixing is not going to happen, as we've said before.
Only the new API gets the al_ prefixes.

> But one thing has to be made clear to potential users, this is not even a WIP 
> release, since everything can be majorly changed from release to release.

That has always been the policy of WIPs.  But of course we will be extra
clear for the entire 4.3 series.

> I have a SVN server up at and baf has svn up on his dedicated 
> server. The latter may be a better idea.



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