Re: [AD] OSX - joystick fix

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On Wednesday, September 28, 2005, at 09:27 pm, Evert Glebbeek wrote:

I sympathise with it being annoying to fix, but could you try to correct
the patch? Should be doable manually if nescessary (I'd do it myself if I
had the time), but maybe indent can help too.

I'd like to find a solution that didn't involve manually editing patches since I'm going to have to do it every time. Unfortunately the version of indent I have doesn't like Allegro's very much, and in any case, indent is designed for C, not Objective-C. I might be able to tweak emac's auto-indent settings to get close to the original, otherwise maybe you could apply the patch to your local repository, indent it and then cvs commit it? Are there any other options?


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