Re: [AD] 4.2.0 Beta 4 - PACKFILE / Font Troubles

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On Monday 01 August 2005 10:56, Shawn Walker wrote:
> I tested with 4.1.17 on Linux, I was able to use the 4.1.17 dat
> utility to sucessfully list the contents of the .dat file. So, it's
> definitely a breakage since then.

Patch attached. The datafile and font load normally for me in the grabber 
with this patch applied.
It's just a one-line fix to check for depth==255 meaning the same thing as 
depth==1 (a monochrome font). This wasn't a problem before because 
anything != 1 was treated as an 8 bit colour font.

May I ask what programme you used to create the file originally? It puzzles 
me that apparently the value 255 has been written to the file instead of 
the expected value 1. Can you check if this points to a bug specific to 
the dat utility?
If you load the file in an older version of the grabber (say 4.1.18) and 
then safe it again, can you load the resulting file without the need for 
this patch?

Index: src/datafile.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/alleg/allegro/src/datafile.c,v
retrieving revision 1.36
diff -u -r1.36 datafile.c
--- src/datafile.c	30 May 2005 21:35:11 -0000	1.36
+++ src/datafile.c	1 Aug 2005 21:10:20 -0000
@@ -479,7 +479,7 @@
    num_ranges = pack_mgetw(pack);
    while (num_ranges--) {
       depth = pack_getc(pack);
-      if (depth == 1) {
+      if (depth == 1 || depth == 255) {
 	 FONT_MONO_DATA *mf = 0, *iter = (FONT_MONO_DATA *)f->data;
 	 f->vtable = font_vtable_mono;

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