Re: [AD] 4.2.0 Beta 4 - PACKFILE / Font Troubles |
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On Tuesday 02 August 2005 06:30, Shawn Walker wrote:
> Yes, that's exactly the right fix!
Ok, commited.
> What's funny is that I had tried
> the same change only several lines farther down near the /* Older
> versions of Allegro use `0' to indicate a colour font */ comment. I
> didn't understand the fix until I read over the old code again and
> realised that before, if pack_getc(pack) returned any non-zero value
> it would be considered a mono font.
Yes, I saw that in your previous message. I tried something like that
without thinking at first too - which made the font being interpreted as
an 8 bit colour font...
> By the way, I'm listed on the contributors page and in the file as
> adonijah .... could that be changed to
> binarycrusader@xxxxxxxxxx instead? Thanks.