Re: [AD] [ alleg-Bugs-1223257 ] Mac OSX allegro will not read config files

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On Fri, 2005-07-29 at 14:10 +0200, Evert Glebbeek wrote:
> > 
> > We really need a way to look into various system specific places. E.g.
> > in unix, under /usr[/local]/share/program-name/. And under Windows,
> > there's probably also a way to find the location where game specific
> > single or multi user data are placed. OSX I heared has a yet other way,
> > where the data are inside the installation file or something..
> > 
> > One way to make this work would be to just have all file functions check
> > all those places by using some system driver function, if a relative
> > path (or no path at all) is used.
> > 
> > Is this important enough to be done before 4.2.0? As a recent bug report
> > on Allegro showed, Allegro games are currently not really possible to
> > install without adding platform specific code.. so it is quite a serious
> > issue.
> Just picked this up from the tracker. I don't think it's been discussed on 
> the list here yet?

Well, the question is, what do we want to do. A real fix would be adding
a function to the system driver to query places. E.g. consider things
like: Game is compiled for a debian distribution, so game data reside
in /usr/share/game-name/, global configuration in /etc/game-name/, and
per-user configuration in ~/.game-name/.

The same game compiled on Debian from source would
use /usr/local/share/game-name/.. and the pathes would differ a lot on
different distributions (so ultimately would be set at configure time).

For windows, and the very same game, there would be some functions to
get the pathes for global/single user install and configuration data,
and probably also pathes determined at install-time of the game and
stored in the registry.

For OSX, I have no idea..

The above is something needed in every single game (if it is actually
distributed other as compile-yourself-source-code). Currently, allegro
tries on all platforms to use the directory of the executable, which is
always wrong AFAICS.. just in Windows, it at least works somewhat..

But then, this is probably something for after 4.2.0.. so I guess the
bug can be closed, as Peter Hull said (oh, btw, shouldn't he be added as
developer to the SF project?)

Elias Pschernig

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