Re: [AD] The Grabber: Organizing Objects

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On Wednesday 27 July 2005 03:35, Grady Martin wrote:
> mover() is now simpler and better defined.  Though, I was only able to
> do this by ditching multiple selections (which seem somewhat
> unnecessary in retrospect, given the general use of the Move command).
>  Please try out the new interface and see if it's satisfactory.

From just looking at the patch, it looks fine - admittedly, that doesn't 
say much for the feel of the interface.

> Also, I would like to propose some changes to the alert messages of
> the grabber.  First, both "Nothing to <verb>!" and "Can't <verb> a
> multiple selection!" could become "Please select a single item to
> <verb>."  This not only eliminates the need to branch on those two
> conditions but is also less harsh and doesn't hurt my brain
> ("Multiple" is not an adjective!). 

Sounds reasonable to me, except that `Please select a single item' sounds a 
bit weird for me when you haven't selected anything. Too pedantic, in some 

> In addition, the grabber has some 
> non-standard dialogs, such as "Yes/Cancel" (as opposed "OK/Cancel" or
> "Yes/No").  Should I take the liberty of making changes of this
> nature?  If you approve, I will happily respond with the final grabber
> patch for now.

Yes, I think this is good too. But make it a seperate patch so that they 
can be commited one after the other or independently.
It's good form to seperate cosmetic patches from functional ones in the CVS 
tree, or at least I think so. :)

> Finally, I have placed the Move command at what seems to be a more
> logical position in the menu.

Looks fine.


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