Re: [AD] Framebuffer resolution problems

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On 2005-05-03, Milan Mimica <milan.mimica1@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> >Thus, fixing this would require learning how framebuffer works
> >and reviewing the code, a more lengthy task I won't do.
> I'd like to work on FB support. Can you recommend me some good
> API documentation? I can't seem to find anything better than
> /usr/include/linux/fb.h

Well, at they don't have much
documentation but you can subscribe to the mailing lists where you
can ask the fb implementation authors what is happening. Apparently
fb programming is so easy reading that header file should be
enough. At least that's the feeling you get from reading thousands
of micro howtos on how to program it, which are scattered on the
net and none of them serves as a complete reference.

If you want to work on this, you first have to get FB support
compiled and working for your Allegro and try it. Possibly with a
vesa driver if you don't have supported hardware.

If Allegro crashes on you on something simple as clear_bitmap(), it
means the current CVS code doesn't really work for you, and should
try with the patch I posted, which reverts from 1.29 to 1.27. You
can see why clear_bitmap() crashes when the height of the bitmap
has a stupidly high value.

Anyway, once you get fb working for you, it would be a matter of
contacting the affected people (those who proposed changes to the
fbcon.c file) and ask them to try some code. This code would try
to printf or log the values used in the variables used in all the
combinations that the code has gone through.

With that variable dump, and knowing which hardware is using who,
we could try to understand why certain variablecombinations worked
for developer A, but not for B. Maybe then would come enlightening
and a common solution is found. Otherwise, it would be documentation
digging or asking the guys at the mailing list I mentioned above
until a code is found to work for all the people.

Good luck!

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