Re: [AD] Alternate maling list host?

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On 2005-05-16, Thomas Fjellstrom <tfjellstrom@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I'll put forward the offer a little more formally, I can host the
> allegro mailing list on my payed host (where is
> hosted). Should be quicker and has a normal archive.

What is a "normal" archive? With regard to the speed, SF has had
problems with shell crons and CVS. Slowly, they have fixed the
former, and announced a switch to Subversion to amend the latter
(which IIRC should be using new hardware now anyway).

Finally, what do we gain with "speed" for a non real time
communication channel? I've never noticed email delays longer
than a day, and even if they happened, would it be different from
a subscriber not reading his mailbox for a week or more due to

> Thats just for fun mind you, if the devs did want to switch
> to subversion, I'd recomend one of the places listed here:

I've heard better about (I think).

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