Re: [AD] Alternate maling list host?

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On 2005-05-18, Evert Glebbeek <eglebbk@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> One con argument I can give is that of mailinglist continuity:
> ideally, one would never switch the mailinglist address. Of course,
> we already switched away from canvaslink a couple of years ago.

The problem with a switch is when people are unaware of the switch
and the URL or email address disappears completely. Allegro 4.0.x has
existed for long with pointers to the current SF mailing lists. But
the switch should be less tragic than from Tom's mailing list,
because the SF mailing lists will still be online forever (or as
long as the main web page remains at SF too).

If you decide to move somewhere else, we announce it here. Then,
every month we post a message like "if you are reading this, please
continue at http://xxxx";. And if somebody posts without subscribing
or reading the archives, I'll (anyway have to) care of them.

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