Re: [AD] Patch to thanks._tx and demo.c |
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On Tue, 2005-03-29 at 22:21 -0800, Chris wrote:
> Evert Glebbeek wrote:
> > Thanks! This is fine with me, although if someone prefers editing the
> > demo.dat TITLE font I think that would be better. I'll wait until thursday
> > noonish (GMT) before I apply your patch.
> I think it'd be better to fix the font, not hack the names. Why not use
> ttf2pcx on a capable font? Or at least use a pixel editor to manually
I agree. But which font would that be? I can easily do it with xf2pcx
and FreeSans-Bold-Oblique here, but it's not the same font (the one
closest looking I have though). The one in demo.dat is somewhat more
irregular. And we also must make sure to use a font which is free to
Elias Pschernig