Re: [AD] Patch to thanks._tx and demo.c

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On Tue, 2005-03-29 at 22:21 -0800, Chris wrote:
I agree. But which font would that be? I can easily do it with xf2pcx
and FreeSans-Bold-Oblique here, but it's not the same font (the one
closest looking I have though). The one in demo.dat is somewhat more
irregular. And we also must make sure to use a font which is free to

Lots of redistributable fonts at Note that copyright law, at least in the US, doesn't protect font images, just font files (because the outlines in them are "code"), so once you render a font into a PCX file it is legal to distribute. (Font designers are VERY unhappy about this state of affairs.) I'm not sure of the situation outside the US.


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